FAQs about abdominal breathing

14 July 2023
Woman doing stoma occlusion breathing with prosthesis

What is abdominal breathing?

Abdominal breathing is to breathe from your abdomen by using your diaphragm (which is underneath your lungs) instead of using your chest muscles. It moves more air into and out of the lungs.

Why is abdominal breathing important?

  • Talking is often easier.
  • The voice is more natural and relaxed.
  • Tips: Relax your neck and shoulder area. Lift your shoulders up to your ears and then drop and relax them while keeping your back straight and maintaining a good posture.

Can I do the exercises anywhere?

Yes that should be no problem. It is important that you do the exercises while sitting upright with good posture. This helps to generate good airflow for speaking in a fluent manner.

How can I avoid tension on my shoulders when I do the exercises?

You can do the exercises in front of a mirror and check that your shoulders do not rise when you breathe in. Keep the shoulders down, stay relaxed and focus on sending the air into your abdominal area when you breathe in, stay relaxed.

How can I cough now?

Use forced exhalations when you need to cough up mucus, if this is not your goal, exhalations should always be slow and fluid.

Should I do the exercises with my HME?

Yes, the HME is your artificial nose and it is very important that the inhaled air passes through the HME so that it will be heated and humidified before it enters your lungs.

How can I practice abdominal breathing?

  • Sit comfortably upright in a chair.
  • Relax.
  • Hold one hand on your lower belly and keep the other hand ready at the stoma.
  • Breathe in and notice your abdomen moving out a little bit.
  • Breath out for a few seconds and the hand on your belly should slowly move inwards. Notice how your stomach muscles contract.
  • Practice breathing in and out this way for 5 minutes.
Exercise 1 - Breathing in and out
Excerises 2 - Ensuring a steady flow
Exercises 3 - Exhale longer
Excercise 4 - Exhale at different strengths
